Digital Marketing

What is a Full Stack Digital Marketing Consultant?

“Businesses today don’t just want specialists; they want digital marketing Swiss Army knives.” As AI and automation continue to streamline repetitive tasks, the demand for adaptable professionals who can wear multiple marketing hats has never been higher. Nowadays, businesses seek marketers who can strategize, execute, and optimize campaigns across platforms—a skillset often referred to as […]

What Are 7Cs of Marketing and How Do They Relate in this Digital Era?

There was a time when marketing teams promoting services used to focus on the 7 pillars of marketing – Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence. But with the advent of the digital element of marketing, things have changed. Even Philip Kotler, in his recent book Marketing 4.0, explained how the 4Ps of […]

Who are Technical Content Writers? What Do They Write for Marketing Teams?

Technical writing is a lot more than just manuals and user guides. It’s a broad spectrum of written content, which can be anything from a schematic diagram to “how to” content. Still, they all serve the same purpose: to make technical information easier to understand. Technical writers are the unsung heroes of the industry (Yes, […]

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