Can AI Article Writers Replace Human Writers? A Comparison

AI writers can replace human?

AI article writers have been gaining traction in recent years as they offer the promise of faster and more accurate writing. But can they truly replace human content writers?

This is a question that has been arising among content writers, and a comparison of their efficiency can provide us with a better understanding of the capabilities of AI article writers.

This article will compare the efficiency of AI article writers to human writers and offer insights into the efficacy of each in different contexts.

We will look at the writing process’s speed, the content’s accuracy, and the article’s overall quality. But, in the end, it is up to the reader to decide which type of content writer best suits their needs.

Let’s begin with the fundamentals.

What is an AI Article Writer?

Artificial intelligence is a broad concept that includes a variety of technologies. One of those technologies is conversational AI, which is the process of creating algorithms that understand human language and responds accordingly.

AI writing tools are simply a software program that utilize this technology to produce content that is somewhat similar to what a human writer might create; of course, they’d require input (aka, prompts).

For example, I had to ask the AI article writer to tell me “What are the critical SEO ranking factors in 2023? Explain.”

Let me know in the comment box if the factors the AI writer has listed are as per the latest trend.

AI article writers are computer programs that follow a pre-defined set of rules and learn to imitate the writing style of various authors. They are designed to create text content in a variety of content writing niche, including search engine optimization, eCommerce, marketing, and customer experience.

As a result, they are able to create large amounts of content quickly and with a high level of accuracy. Since they don’t need to rest or eat, they can write 24/7, and they can produce large amounts of high-quality articles quickly.

AI article writers are able to improve their writing over time as they learn from their previous work and make adjustments based on the feedback of their users. Human writers, on the other hand, don’t have these capabilities.

Content writers across industries are already using ChatGPT to write better blog posts.

But, can they beat human writers?

How Does an AI Article Writer Compare to a Human Writer?

While this article focuses mainly on the speed, accuracy, and reliability of AI article writers, it’s important to note that there are other metrics that affect the quality of their work.

For example, the level of creativity in the article and its ease of reading may also affect the quality of the content.

In essence, these are all important metrics to consider when comparing human writers to AI article writers:

Speed of Writing

Damn! AI writers are fast. Using them, you can produce thousands of words of content in a couple of minutes.

AI writers are able to quickly process large amounts of data, analyze it, and generate a response faster than a human writer can. AI is able to do this because they use advanced algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) software which can quickly break down and analyze language.

AI can also store vast amounts of information and recall it quickly, meaning they don’t have to spend time researching or analyzing data. In addition, AI writers are able to write in multiple languages at once, whereas human writers often struggle to write in more than one language.

Verdict: AI article writers are faster than humans.

Accuracy of Content

Another important metric to consider is the accuracy of the content. While human writers are able to make mistakes, AI writers are no exception. I’ve seen AI writers mentioning wrong statistics and claims that don’t make sense at all.

For instance, look at the following statistics produced by the AI writer:

Appears that the tool has done a pretty good job. But are these statistics accurate?

I opened all the links, and out of these five, four were broken links.

AI vs Human writers

Only the HubSpot one worked. But… But… But… the statistics were nowhere near to accurate. See yourself below.

Will AI replace content writers?

Verdict: You cannot rely on AI writers for factual information.

Quality of the Content

The quality of the article is also a metric to consider when comparing human writers to AI article writers. Since AI writers are computers, they are unable to produce content that is as creative as what human writers can create.

You need to answer if your article is intended to be creative. Or is it meant to be objective and informative? Each of these types of articles has its place in the world, and choosing the right type of writer for your project will help you achieve your desired outcome.

Alright, not bad. This content can easily be used as a foundation for a new year’s post. But what about an article? Can the AI tool write something exceptional?

Let’s try an article intro:

This is what the tool produced 👇

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), backlinking has long been a go-to strategy for improving search engine rankings. But is backlinking still a good SEO strategy in 2023? As with any SEO strategy, the answer is complicated. On the one hand, backlinking is still an important part of any comprehensive SEO strategy, as it helps to build authority and trust among search engines. On the other hand, the way in which backlinks are earned and used has changed significantly, making it important to understand the pros and cons of backlinking before diving in. In this article, we’ll explore the current state of backlinking in SEO and whether or not it is still a viable strategy in 2023.

To be fair, this isn’t bad. However, there could’ve been some realistic statistics and personal experiences in the intro to make it more appealing for the reader to scroll down.


  • AI writers are programmed to generate content based on predetermined parameters and cannot think spontaneously or produce something creative without a specific purpose. On the other hand, human writers have the advantage of being able to draw on their own emotions and experiences in order to create something completely new, whereas AI writers are limited in this regard.
  • Additionally, human writers are able to interpret complex topics with more depth and nuance than AI writers, who are often limited by their programming when interpreting difficult topics.

Final Verdict

There is no way AI article writers will replace human writers in the near future. However, there is a strong possibility that within the next 4-5 years, mediocre writers will struggle to find jobs as out-of-the-box writers will be able to produce more content using AI tools.

Hence, if you’re a writer, you better start learning.

And, if you’re a marketer thinking AI tools can do the job for you, and you don’t have to hire in-house or freelance content writers, well, I have bad news for you, fella – It’s not going to work.

In fact, the future holds a world where there will be content writing prompt engineers that will use the AI writing assistant to create top-notch content.

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Can AI Article Writers Replace Human Writers? A Comparison

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